Monday, March 4, 2013

Star Trek’s Zoe Saldana wants a part in Star Wars 7

via glooce

The announcement that J.J Abrams would direct 'Star Wars: Episode VII' has always been a slightly controversial one. Having directed the only 'Star Trek' film to have ever won an Academy Award, his ties to the 'Star Trek' franchise are obvious… so how will this affect the 'Star Wars' universe? Actress Zoe Saldana, who played Uhura in the 'Star Trek' reboot, has revealed that she's incredibly keen to get a part in 'Star Wars: Episode VII'. In an interview with E! Online at this year's Oscars, she explained that she's thrilled to see Abrams make the switch from 'Star Trek' to 'Star Wars'.

"I'm totally ecstatic," she said. But then, she might not be so forgiving if Abrams chooses to leave 'Star Trek' completely. "We are going to give him s--t because we don't want him to ever think about leaving just in case we go into a third instalment of Star Trek."

With the success of his 'Star Trek' reboot and the hype surrounding its latest instalment, 'Star Trek Into Darkness', it's easy to see why they're reluctant to let him go. But is it okay for the crew of the Enterprise to jump ship in favour of a galaxy far, far away? Zoe Saldana is certainly considering it, although her aspirations sound a bit familiar…

"I'm getting ready to call them, I tell you that," she said. "I want to be a sexy something, like a princess from another planet."

Let's face it - Zoe Saldana wants to be the next Princess Leia and while there are plenty of fans who wouldn't mind catching a glimpse of her in a gold bikini, I'm not sure that's a good enough reason to get her on board. There have already been plenty of rumours about Simon Pegg's involvement with 'Episode VII' and while he's keen to point out that it's "absolute Bantha poodoo", you can't help wondering whether Abrams will cross that line and bring in his old friends from 'Star Trek'.

On one hand, it's always great to see directors working with their favourite actors - you only have to look at Tim Burton to see that he tends to work best when he's directing Johnny Depp. But when it comes to crossing over from 'Star Trek' to 'Star Wars'… that's an entirely different matter.

Fans have already expressed concerns about Abrams monopolising the two biggest science-fiction franchises and I have to admit, it's something that still worries me. J.J Abrams is without a doubt, a fantastic director. But can one man really take the helm of both 'Star Trek' and 'Star Wars' without blurring the line in-between? If he does turn to the actors from 'Star Trek', he'll be boldly going where no man has gone before…

source 2

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