Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rachel Weisz on her Broadway Debut: 'It's Confirmed'

via glooce

Rumors have been swirling that Oscar winner Rachel Weisz could make her Broadway debut alongside her Bond star husband Daniel Craig in a Broadway production of Harold Pinter’s Betrayal. During a recent appearance on the U.K. morning show Daybreak, Weisz spilled the beans!

“I am going to do a play on Broadway,” Weisz told host Aled Jones. “It’s confirmed. I’ve never done Broadway [so I’m] very excited. [Broadway has] this mythical shine about it.” Although Weisz didn’t confirm that the play she’d be starring in would indeed be Betrayal, it’s safe to say a revival of Pinter’s acclaimed 1978 play is the project she’s alluding to. No word yet on if Craig is definitely attached to the project as well.As previously speculated, Mike Nichols (Death of a Salesman) is in talks to direct.

Telling a story in reverse chronology, Betrayal follows Robert (presumably Craig), whose wife, Emma (presumably Weisz), is having an affair with his friend Jerry, a literary agent.

Weisz starred in the West End production of A Streetcar Named Desire. She earned the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her role as Tessa Quayle in The Constant Gardener. Additionally, Weisz’s film credits include The Lovely Bones, The Fountain, Constantine, About a Boy, The Bourne Legacy and The Mummy.

Craig appeared on Broadway in A Steady Rain. Best known as James Bond in Skyfall, Quantum of Solace and Casino Royale, his additional film credits include Defiance, The Golden Compass, The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo, Munich, Layer Cake and Road to Perdition.

Source 2

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