Monday, February 25, 2013

Madonna's Instagram Account Threatened To Be Shut Down

via glooce

1:48 pm - 02/24/2013 

The photo sharing site says the pop icon has broken its community guidelines, which ban 'mature content' and sharing third party photos.

The Queen of Pop recently joined the photo sharing site, owned by Facebook, and has received a warning from the company to adhere to its community guidelines -- or else.

The singer posted a message from Instagram in which the site asked her to review its community guidelines. The guidelines tell users to refrain from posting photos with “nudity or mature content” or sharing photos that come from third parties.

"We value these guidelines, and believe that they will help keep Instagram a safe & fun place for everyone," the message reads. "It is important to note that continuing to violate them may result in a disabled account, or discontinued access to Instagram, without warning."

The message didn’t specify which guideline Madonna apparently broke, though she has posted a shot of her cleavage as well as two photographs of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo. Both could potentially, in Instagram's view, be a violation of the guidelines.

Madonna currently has just over 152,000 followers on Instagram.

Read the full message below.

Hello Madonna,

It has come to our attention that your account on Instagram has violated our Community Guidelines, which can be found here:


In short, we ask that you:

— Don’t share photos that aren’t yours.

— Don’t share photos that show nudity or mature content.

— Don’t share photos of illegal content.

— Don’t share photos that attack an individual or group, or violate [sic] of our Terms of Use

We strongly suggest deleting any additional content on your account that may not fall in line with the above guidelines or our Terms of Use:

We value these guidelines, and believe that they will help keep Instagram a safe & fun place for everyone. It is important to note that continuing to violate them may result in a disabled account, or discontinued access to Instagram, without warning.


The Instagram Team

Source 2

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