Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Marion Cotillard says No To Botox


Marion Cotillard says that her "injection-phobic" nature means she'll never have Botox.

"When I have to have an injection I'm like a four-year-old, running around the room with the nurse behind me trying to catch me. So I guess I won't have Botox or whatever you put inside yourself to look younger," she revealed.

Instead, the actress is a fan of the French way of ageing gracefully.

"In France … I was at my friend's house the other day, and all those women there, they were between 50 and 70, and they were so beautiful," she told the New York Magazine. "Sometimes in LA, or even in New York, you run into a lot of products - a lot of women filled with all those products. It's not just about plastic surgery now, it's about injections… and all the women look kind of the same. It just shows fear, and that makes me sad."

But growing older doesn't scare her, for one very good reason.

"I'm really looking forward to being a grandma. This is kind of my obsession right now. I hope my kids won't wait so long, like me, to have kids, because I want to be a very healthy and young grandma… this is really something that I look forward to."


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